LabGuy's World: Extinct Hitachi Denshi
Video Equipment
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Hitachi - Denshi VTR's: |
SV-510: B/W, EIAJ, 1/2 inch tape, portable
reel to reel deck VTR. Photo: 1976 catalog. |
SV-513C: NEW!
050227 - B/W, EIAJ, 1/2 inch tape, portable time lapse reel
to reel deck VTR. Photo: Anonymous |
SV-520D: Color, EIAJ, 1/2 inch tape, portable
reel to reel deck VTR. 7 inch reels, 1 hour recording time. Compare
it to the Shibaden SV-5200U, they are absolutely identical! Photos: LabGuy |
SV-620E: Color, EIAJ,
PAL, 1/2 inch tape, portable reel to reel deck VTR. 7 inch reels,
1 hour recording time. Photos: LabGuy |
Hitachi - Denshi Video Cameras: |
FP-3030: New photo
& info! Single tube, RGB striped triple target color one
inch vidicon camera. In this camera, the vidicon actually had the target
divided into three sections of stripes. One target for each of the primary
colors, red, green and blue. I know of no other manufacturer who shipped
a camera that uses this method of color production. (The previous info
is from my memory. Correct me if I'm wrong.) Photo: The Video Handbook
by United Business Publications (C)1977. |
Last updated: February 27, 2005 |