LabGuy's World: 1969 Akai VC-1A Vidicon Camera
New! 060827 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1969? Here is a simple B/W vidicon camera of the mid to late 1960s. One inch vidicon tube, 50 mm, f 1.8 lens. Virtually no controls. Only mechanical focus and an off / on switch. One pilot light and a video output jack. Could be used with a VTR, video monitor or a consumer television set. This is the suggested companion camera for both the [Akai X-500 / Roberts 1000] and the [Akai VT-700] quarter inch video tape recorders. I received this unit, virtually brand new, in its original box. As you can clearly see in the photos, the camera is in excellent condition. The box is in very good shape with a few rat bites on the back side. My only complaint, if I had one, is that when the camera is packed in the box, the vidicon is pointed straight down. This is not good for the tube as small bits of thorium oxide can flake off the cathode and drop down the tube to adhere to the backside of the target, producing ugly spots in the video. I have not powered up the camera, so I do not know if this is the case. Powering the camera at this juncture runs the risk of damaging some of the capacitors. Better to be safe than sorry. Will run it some time in the future if and when I get a service manual for the VC-1A. NEEDED: Service manual, operator's manual or any other documentation pertaining to this camera. [HOME]......[MUSEUM OF EXTINCT VIDEO CAMERAS] Created: August 27, 2006 - Last updated: August 28, 2006 |