LabGuy's World: Extinct Sony Umatic
Videocassette Recorders
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VP-1000 (1973?): New!
02.05.15 A first generation Umatic, top loading, play only deck.
Very basic functionally, but it was color and had hi fi stereo audio. Photo:
LabGuy's World Museum |
VO-1600 (1973?): New!
02.05.15 A first generation Umatic, top loading, player / recorder
deck with built in television receiver. The VO-1600 was color and had hi
fi stereo audio. Photo: LabGuy's World Museum |
VO-2600 (1978?): New!
02.05.15 A second generation Umatic deck. The VO-2xxx series
was solenoid operated to allow for remote control. These machines were
fully mature electronic editors by the time they appeared on the scene
in the late 1970s. Photo: Sean Meskill |
Last updated: January 09, 2005 |